Category Archives: Voixcariabes

“Decouvrir Sherley Clermont, la diva de beaute des Caraibes

Sherley Clermont possĆØde le maximum de qualitĆ©s adĆ©quates pour ĆŖtre la diva de beautĆ© des CaraĆÆbes. Elle est trĆØs belle, toujours radieuse, persĆ©vĆ©rante, patiente, tenace, dynamique, trĆØs photogĆ©nique et munie d’un moral d’acier. Elle tĆ©moigne un profond respect Ć  l’Ć©gard de tous et ne sous-estime personne. Elle possĆØde de beaux yeux, de beaux seins, une bouche exquise, de parfaits courbes qui font rĆŖver plus dā€™un.

Elle prend souvent des risques et adore Ƨa, des fois elle Ć©choue mais jamais elle ne renonce Ć  quoi que ce soit quā€™elle estime ĆŖtre Ć  son avantage. Son plus grand dĆ©faut c’est peut-ĆŖtre la tĆ©nacitĆ© et l’entĆŖtement.

Elle est un hĆ“te hors pair, quand on est chez elle, on est chez soi. Elle prend tellement soin des autres que souvent elle oublie jusqu’Ć  sa propre existence. Elle adore aimer, elle est une passionnĆ©e de L’Amour, le sentiment et l’acte. Elle est mariĆ©e et mere d’un super garƧon…

Elle est trĆØs ponctuelle et son horloge biologique est d’une extrĆŖme importance Ć  ses yeux. Dans sa grille d’analyse, le maintien de sa santĆ© s’avĆØre toujours prioritaire. Le rire fait partie de son quotidien; et, en ce qui a trait au charme, grĆ¢ce Ć  son regard perƧant qui est autant sĆ©duisant que captivant, elle arrive Ć  crĆ©er autour d’elle une ambiance agrĆ©able et faire vivre aux gens un bonheur indicible et inĆ©galable.
Elle adore chanter, danser et c’est peut-ĆŖtre l’une des raisons quā€™elle est amoureuse de BeyoncĆ© autant.

Les admirateurs de beautĆ©s crĆ©oles lā€™appellent crĆ©ature AngĆ©lique. Elle est nee Ć  port-au-prince, mais ses parents sont originaires des nippes et des pernier. ƀ l’Ć©cole congrĆ©ganiste de trou-sable, elle complĆ©ta ses Ć©tudes primaires et acheva ses Ć©tudes secondaires Ć  lycĆ©e du cent-cinquantenaire. ImmĆ©diatement aprĆØs ses Ć©tudes secondaires elle a intĆ©grĆ© la facultĆ© D’ethnologie oĆ¹ elle a passĆ© quatre bonnes annĆ©es Ć  Ć©tudier la sociologie; prĆ©sentement, elle travaille sur son projet de fin d’Ć©tudes. Elle a Ć©galement passĆ© 3 ans Ć  Ć©tudier les sciences juridiques Ć  l’Ć©cole de droit et des sciences Ć©conomiques des GonaĆÆves, Ć©tude quā€™elle compte reprendre Ć©videmment.

Je m’appelle Sherley Clermont, je suis nee Ć  port-au-prince, mais mes parents sont originaires des nippes et de pernier. Mes premieres annees d’Ć©tudes je les ai passĆ© Ć  l’ Ɖcole congrĆ©ganiste de trou-sable, mes etudes secondaires au lycĆ©e du cent-cinquantenaire. ImmĆ©diatement aprĆØs le secondaire j’ai intĆ©grĆ© la facultĆ© D’ethnologie oĆ¹ j’ai passĆ© 4 ans Ć  Ć©tudier la sociologie et actuellement je travaille sur Mon projet de fin d’Ć©tudes. J’ai Ć©galement passĆ© 3 ans Ć  Ć©tudier les sciences juridiques Ć  l’Ć©cole de droit et des sciences Ć©conomiques des GonaĆÆves, Ć©tude que je compte reprendre Ć©videmment.
J’adore chanter, danser et c’est peut-ĆŖtre ces raisons qui me poussent Ć  aimer autant Beyonce.

Je ris souvent, trop selon certains, mais ces commentaires ne peuvent pas altƩrer ma joie de vivre, mon amour de la vie.

Animatrice et prĆ©sentatrice Ć  Radio magik9, ce mĆ©tier m’a depuis longtemps passionnĆ© car j’ai toujours pris beaucoup de plaisir Ć  Ć©couter les grands parler Ć  surtout Ć  me laisser bercer par leurs douces voix.Je suis directrice de marketing de As-lah Promo, une association qui oeuvre dans Le social, qui aide les jeunes mais aussi les moins jeunes Ć  avoir confiance dans leur capacitĆ© a crĆ©er a rĆ©aliser de grandes choses dans leur vie. AS-LAH Promo aide aussi les artistes et les groupes musicaux dans la promotion de leur produit et service.

Je suis Ć©galement membre d’One Toy One Smile, une association qui travaille avec les enfants dĆ©munis d’HaĆÆti, en leur donnant des jouets, des vĆŖtements, de la nourriture aussi souvent que les moyens le permettent. Je suis donc quelqu’un qui s’est engagĆ© corps et Ć¢me dans Le social, dans le service humanitaire. Mon plus grand bonheur sera de contribuer directement aux changements politiques, socials et Ć©conomiques de ma chĆØre terre Patrie.

S’il me fallait choisir entre l’amour et l’argent, je crois que ce choix serait l’un des plus difficiles Ć  faire car je reste persuadĆ©e que l’un ne marche pas sans l’autre. Certains ont besoin de l’amour, et l’amour a certainement besoin de l’argent pour pleinement s’Ć©panouir, donc Ć  mon avis l’amour et l’argent marchent de paire.

Il n’y a rien de particulier que j’envie chez l’homme. On estime que les hommes sont super-forts mais moi j’estime que nous Le sommes encore plus. Nous avons la capacite d’endurer tellement de situations extrĆŖmement difficiles, que je n’imagine aucun homme Ć  notre place.( douleur de l’accouchement, par exemple) Tout cela pour dire que je me sens parfaitement Ć  mon aise en Ć©tant cette magnifique femme travailleuse et determinee.

Je prends souvent des risques et j’adore Ƨa, des fois j’Ć©choue mais jamais je ne renonce Ć  quoi que ce soit que j’estime ĆŖtre a mon avantage. Mon plus grand dĆ©faut s’est peut-ĆŖtre la tĆ©nacitĆ© et l’entĆŖtement.

Mes qualitĆ©s: je suis un hĆ“te hors pair, quand on est chez moi, on est chez soi. Je prends tellement soin des autres que souvent j’oublie jusqu’Ć  ma propre existence. J’adore aimer, je suis une passionnĆ©e de L’Amour, le sentiment et l’acte (Lol). Je suis mariee et mere d’un super garƧon..Ā

By Hugues Sanon


Hugues Sanon Caribbean Jazz Tune “Repentance”

“If this song does not take you closer to God, we don’t know what will””-Hugues Sanon.
Pleas LIKE and SHARE!

Welcome To Voix Caraibes Magazine! The World's Official Caribbean Magazine Website

This beautiful and captivating musical composition of our favorite artist, ā€œHugues Sanon goes beyond anything that we could have imagined and surpasses some similar song that had previously rocked our ears. The arrangements and musical order adjustments in this masterpiece are impĆ©cables.

This masterpiece made by author Hugues Sanon has a character quite special and particular. Itā€™s touching, captivating and informative. It calls for attention to friends of truth and great music.

This message of repentance that emerges is not just for a certain group of people, but all those who have a taste for beauty!The message is current, compelling and beneficial.


All those who participated are great musicians who have proven themselves in the field. most are teachers, holders of bachelorā€™s degrees in music, very disciplined people and very professional.


It is with great pleasure, great satisfaction and pride our great international artist present to all the pure musicalā€¦

View original post 40 more words

Hugues Sanon Caribbean Jazz Tune “Repentance”

This beautiful and captivating musical composition of our favorite artist, “Hugues Sanon goes beyond anything that we could have imagined and surpasses some similar song that had previously rocked our ears. The arrangements and musical order adjustments in this masterpiece are impĆ©cables.

This masterpiece made by author Hugues Sanon has a character quite special and particular. It’s touching, captivating and informative. It calls for attention to friends of truth and great music.

This message of repentance that emerges is not just for a certain group of people, but all those who have a taste for beauty!The message is current, compelling and beneficial.


All those who participated are great musicians who have proven themselves in the field. most are teachers, holders of bachelor’s degrees in music, very disciplined people and very professional.


It is with great pleasure, great satisfaction and pride our great international artist present to all the pure musical beauty that will quench the thirst of fans and make a difference in the hearts that know how to love and appreciate.
Good hearing!


“If this song does not take you closer to God, we don’t know what will””-Hugues Sanon,

Hugues Sanon the Big Bow Tie Man


Composer, Musician producer, Actor, Activist, Humanitarian, Hugues Sanon is one of the most gifted artists of todayā€™s Haitian music industry. With his combination of jazz and the traditionnal haitian rhyms , he brings a refined groove and a soothing sound in the Haitian music. Hugues Sanon est incontestablement reconnu comme lā€™un des compositeurs les plus importants et influent de la chanson haitienne. Son irreprochable album intituleā€Ayiti Nan Ke-M (Haiti est sur mon coeur) ou (Haiti is in my heart) reconnu par beaucoup comme un des disques majeurs de lā€™annee 2010 est un opus racine mele avec des notes de jazz et dā€™arrangements vocaux du gospel, utilisant la poesie creole pour donner un message tres patriotique au peuple haitien. Cā€™est un album qui stimule la musique haitienne, capte le coeur des poetes et inspire le compositeurs haitiens. Le premier single de lā€™album est considere comme lā€™une des meilleurs chansons haitiennes de tous les temps. Quand a sa chanson intitulee ā€œ Nap Jwenn Yon Woutā€ compose apres le seisme du 12 janvier, 2010, elle est actuellement dans le top 25 des classements en haiti. Lā€™ auteur de cet album bien prepare quā€™est Hugues Sanon devient tres apprecie et tres demande pour ses selections tres patriotiques. On fait appel a lui constamment pour participer a de nombreuses activites socio-culturelles et evangeliques. Avant meme dā€™envisager de devenir homme de radio et de television, ce chanteur a la voix sublime quā€™est Hugues Sanon a voulut etre musicien. Chanteur, compositeur, arrangeur, poete, activiste, humaniste, Theologien et pasteur Hugues Sanon est ne le 9 fevrier 1978 a fort-nationale, port-au-prince, haiti. Des son tres jeune age, il commence a tapoter les touches de son piano et compose plusieurs chansons evangeliques. Plus tard, vers son adolescense, on le voit en tete du groupe accapella bien connu appelle ā€œDEVOUE POUR CHRISTā€ avec lequel il performe dans differentes activitees socio-culturelles et evangeliques. A travers cet album, Hugues Sanon arrive a donner un ā€œNew Tasteā€ au son de la musique haitienne. ā€œSelon lui, haiti est une terre qui a irrigue le monde de sa culture, sa peinture, sa litterature et sa musique. ā€œChristophe Colomb et ses amis ont decouvert haiti. Mais, ils nā€™ont pas decouvert les richesses de la culture haitienne; ils nā€™ont pas decouvert la musique haitienne. Puisque cā€™est nous qui lā€™avons decouvert, il nous revient de travailler pour son developpementā€, dit-il. Voici des declarations de Hugues Sanon

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Lupita Nyong’o- Short Bio

Lupita Nyong’oĀ – Short Bio

Lupita Nyong'o
Lupita Nyong’o

was born in Mexico, to Kenyan parents. She was raised in Ken

ya and educated in the USA. She is a graduate of the Yale University School of Drama’s Acting program.

Lupita’s film debut was playing “Patsey” in acclaimed director, Steve McQueen’s 12 Years a Slave (2013). She was also the lead in MTV’s award-winning drama series, Shuga (2009).

Lupita Nyong'o
Lupita Nyong’o

Lupita’s stage credits include playing “Perdita” in “The Winter’s Tale”, (Yale Repertory Theater), “Sonya” in “Uncle Vanya”, “Katherine” in “The Taming of the Shrew”, as well as being in the original production of Michael Mitnick’s “Elijah”.
– IMDb Mini Biography By: Seventh Sense Communications

Lupita was born in March 1983. Her father, a Kenyan senator was in Mexico, where she was born, as a visiting lecturer in political science but her upbringing was in Kenya. At age 16, her parents sent her back to Mexico for 7 months to learn Spanish. She read film studies at Hampshire College, Massachusetts and, after working as a production assistant on several films, graduated from Yale School of Drama. In 2013 she impressed cinema audiences in her American film debut, as brutalized slave Patsey in the acclaimed 12 Years a Slave (2013).

Jimmy Jean Louis- BioGrapghy

Jimmy Jean Louis
Jimmy Jean Louis

Haitian-born Jimmy Jean-Louis embodies the Ā« rags to riches Ā» story, growing up in the slums of Petion-Ville, Haiti, to becoming an international actor and Hollywood celebrity. His amazing story could have ended there, but while continuing to pursue his acting career, Jimmy shifted his focus to rebuilding his homeland, ravaged by the 7.0 earthquake on January 12th, 2010.
In his early years, Jimmy worked as a dancer and model in France, Spain, Italy, South Africa and England. He moved to Los Angeles in 1998 to pursue an acting career in Hollywood. His credits include Tears of the Sun with Bruce Willis, Hollywood Homicide with Harrison Ford, Monster in Law with Jane Fonda & Jennifer Lopez, Phat Girlz with Moā€™Nique, the hit NBC Show Heroes and, more recently, Five Thirteen with Tom Sizemore. He will also be acting in upcoming films: The Promise Keeper by award-winning indie director Jerry Lamothe and Lives of the Saints starring Curtis ā€œ50 Centā€ Jackson, Kat Dennings and Meg Ryan.
Jimmy has had an international career since 2006, acting in films produced in France, England, Indonesia, USA, Nigeria, Ghana and Mexico. His international appeal is due greatly to his fluency in 5 languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian and Creole. His international credits include a starring role in A Butterfly Kiss with Italian star Valeria Golino, the French comedy, Coursier, by director Herve Renoh, Sinking Sand from the Ghanaian award winning director Leila Djansi and the Nigerian produced Doctor Bello. He will also be in ā€œMisereā€ with Gerard Depardieu, and in the upcoming film,Yefon, by Kevin Nateraā€™s, a ā€œNollywoodā€ production (colloquial name of the Nigerian film industry; the second largest film industry in the world).


Jimmy recently portrayed Toussaint Louverture, the 18th century leader of the Haitian Revolution, in a film about and named after this extraordinary Haitian hero. The role has been his most important French language film to date and has won him the BEST ACTOR award at the Pan African Film Festival, the Trinidad and Tobago International Film Festival & Vues dā€™Afrique and the International Film Festival in Canada. He was also nominated BEST ACTOR at the Africa Movie Academy Awards in 2012.
Jimmy Jean-Louis is the founder and President of Hollywood Unites for Haiti, a non-profit organization (501c3) established in 2008 ( whose mission is to help the underprivileged youth of Haiti. In response to the 2010 disaster, and to provide immediate relief to the victims of the earthquake, HUFH joined forces with the Pan American Development
Foundation and the Organization of American States. HUFH-PADF-OAS and its partners provided support to more than 300,000 people and delivered in excess of 200 tons of supplies during the first 8 weeks of the disaster.

Mr. Jean-Louis has taken part in a series of campaigns for Haitian aid. He was an invited singer on the Quincy Jones project, Ā« We Are The World, Ā» to benefit humanitarian relief efforts in Haiti.
In January 2010 Jimmy was presented the key to Miami-Dade county during Haitian Independence Month.
Named Pan American Development Foundationā€™s Ambassador for Haitian Children, he testified to congress on their behalf in June 2010.


Jimmy is now working on his very personal project Haiti 16:53; the incredible story and documentary film follows the adventures of one manā€™s journey of a lifetime under extraordinary circumstances.

Elephant Man- Short Bio

Elephant Man- Short Bio


Elephant Man, also known as the Energy God (born O’Neil Bryan, September 11, 1975) is a dancehall musician from Kingston, Jamaica. Elephant Manā€™s stagename stemmed from his large ears, which led to the nickname Dumbo in his youth. He started out his musical career as a member of the Scare Dem Crew, later continuing as a solo artist. He was later characterized by several trademarks, such as his dyed yellow-orange hair, his unique low-key voice, and his stage performance, which included jumping and running, or even climbing on stage props and monitors.

Elephant Man
Elephant Man

In 2000 his debut album, ā€œScooby Awayā€ and its follow-up, ā€œComin’ 4 U,ā€ were released. His third album, ā€œLog On,ā€ was issued in 2001. ā€œHigher Levelā€ was then released in 2002 with ā€œGood 2 Goā€ following in 2003. ā€œGood 2 Goā€ featured the hit singles ā€œPon De Riverā€ and ā€œJook Galā€ which featured Twista, YoungBloodZ and Kiprich.

In 2008 Elephant Man released the album, ā€œLet’s Get Physical,ā€ included the singles “Five-O” featuring Wyclef Jean and ā€œJumpā€ which was produced by Swizz Beatz. His next album,ā€œDance & Sweep Adventures Of The Energy God,ā€ was released in 2011

Elephant Man
Elephant Man

Elephant Man has been criticized for his lyrics calling for violence against gay people. In 2003 British LBGT group OutRage! called for the arrest and prosecution of several dancehall stars including Elephant Man, Bounty Killer and Beenie Man for violation of hate crimes statutes. In 2004, he was dropped from the MOBO awards. Since then pressure from his record company and agreement with gay rights groups to avoid songs with lyrics deemed to incite homophobic violence have allowed him to perform in the U.K. In 2009, his scheduled appearance at Toronto’s Caribana festival was cancelled for similar reasons.

Bounty killer – Short Bio

Bounty killer -Short Bio

Bounty killer
Bounty killer

Rodney Basil Price was born June 12, 1972 in Kingston, Jamaica and is a Grammy nominated reggae and dancehall DJ. Known by his stage name, Bounty Killer, Price is the founder of the dancehall collective, The Alliance, with Mavado. Price got his start in the music industry in his teenage years as a dancehall DJ and began recording his own music by his early 20s.

The first of these recordings took place in 1992 at King Jammy’s studio in Kingston, resulting in Priceā€™s song, ā€œCoppershot.ā€ 1993 saw Price perform at the Sting festival in Portmore, Jamaica. 1995 marked Priceā€™s departure from Jammy as he embarked on a solo career. Price set up his own production company, Scare Dem Productions and record label, Priceless Records.


As the 1990s progressed and Priceā€™s popularity increased his music crossed over to the U.S. and European markets. Collaborating with artists such as Busta Rhymes, No Doubt, Masta Killa, The Fugees, Wyclef Jean, Mobb Deep, Capone-N-Noreaga, Swizz Beatz and AZ, Price found fame with his 1996 album, ā€œMy Xperience,ā€ which spent six months on the Billboard Reggae Albums chart. In 1997 Price landed a hit single with a remake of Rose Royceā€™s, ā€œLove Don’t Live Here Anymore.ā€ Price teamed up with Swedish artists, Robyn, for the remake, which was a hit both in the Caribbean and the U.S.

bounty killer

2001 saw a collaboration with No Doubt on the track, ā€œHey Baby,ā€ followed by success with the albums, ā€œGhetto Dictionary Volume I: Art of Warā€ and ā€œGhetto Dictionary Volume II: Mysteryā€ in 2002. The latter album went on to elicit a Grammy Award nomination.

2006 marked a signing with VP Records, and the release of the compilation album, ā€œNah No Mercy ā€“ The Warlord Scrolls.ā€ In 2008 Price collaborated with Daddy Yankee on the song ā€œControlando El Area,ā€ for the album, ā€œCaribbean Connection.ā€

Bennie man – Short Bio

Bennie man – Short Bio

Bennie man
Bennie man
Flag Of Jamaica
Flag Of Jamaica

Anthony Moses Davis (born August 22, 1973), better known by his stage name Beenie Man, is a Grammy award winning Jamaican reggae artist. He is now the proclaimed,” King of the Dance Hall.”

He recorded his debut single, “Too Fancy”, with record producer Henry “Junjo” Lawes in 1981, with Lawes also including him on the 1983 album ā€œJunjo Presents Two Big Soundsā€ alongside established stars such as Dillinger, Fathead, and Ringo.

His debut album, ā€œThe Invincible Beenie Man: The Ten Year Old DJ Wonderā€ was produced by Bunny Lee and released in 1983, his first hit single following the same year with the Winston Holness-produced “Over the Sea”.

He found his artistic home at the Shocking Vibes studio where he continued to record singles with only moderate success in the early 1990s. Beenie Man had his first number one single in Jamaica in 1993 with “Matie”, and he won the DJ of the Year Award the same year, the first of eight consecutive awards.

In 1994, he was signed by Island Records and released the critically acclaimed album ā€œBlessed,ā€ which established his reputation internationally.

During the period from the mid to late 1990s, Beenie Man dominated the Jamaican charts to the extent that he perhaps had a good claim to the crown of “Dancehall King”, a title only bestowed previously on Yellowman in the early 1980s. Beenie Man’s first real break into the United States came in 1997. He recorded “Who Am I” and the single quickly went Gold.

In 1998, Beenie Man signed to Virgin Records to release albums in the United States. His first American offering was ā€œThe Doctorā€ (1998). During the late 1990s, Beenie Man began his conquest of America with the hits, “Romie”, “Who Am I”, and “Girls Dem Sugar”, which featured American R&B singer, MĆ½a.

In 2000, Beenie Man released ā€œArt & Life,ā€ which featured Arturo Sandoval and Wyclef Jean (The Fugees), for which received a Grammy Award for Best Reggae Album.

In 2002, he had a sizeable hit with a duet with Janet Jackson called “Feel It Boy”, but his biggest break in America came in early 2004 with the release of a remix of “Dude”, featuring guest vocals by fellow Jamaican Ms. Thing, as well as rhymes by Shawnna.

The lyrics to some of his songs have been criticized for inciting the murder of homosexuals and over the years several of his appearances, particularly in Europe, have been protested and ultimately canceled due to pressure from gay advocacy groups.

In April 2009, Beenie Man signed with Brookland Entertainment, a new record label formed by Eric Nicks and The Trackmasters, in preparation to release his new album, “The Legend Returns”. It features his new single ā€œGimme Gimme.ā€